Going in for breast augmentation surgery can be a trying experience, so you don’t want to repeat it a few years down the line. While the possibility of needing breast revision surgery cannot be completely eliminated, it can be greatly reduced if you know what you’re getting into.

One of the best things you can do for yourself before getting any sort of plastic surgery is to do thorough research. Watching or reading other women’s accounts of their experiences can give you a better picture of what to expect with various implant types and procedures.

View our breast augmentation before / after gallery

When deciding your new size, there is a life hack to approximate how it will feel. To do this, find a bra of your desired size, then pad it with plastic baggies filled with rice or other grains of your desired implant volume. Try moving around with your new size, and feel free to try multiple sizes in this way until you find one that’s optimal for you.

It is also important to find a good plastic surgeon. Talking to multiple surgeons is a good idea, and make sure to check their qualifications and experience. The right surgeon for you is someone who strikes a balance between encouraging you to get the body you want, and staying realistic about what your body can handle.

Certain implants and techniques also have a greater chance of getting the desired results and keeping them. Modern “gummy bear” silicone implants are designed to provide a natural feel while reducing the risk of complications, and the inframammary and periareolar incision types used with these implants provide the surgeon with better control over the final shape of the breasts.

Ultimately, getting things right the first time is the best way to reduce the chance of coming back for breast revision surgery.

If you are considering a breast augmentation, contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Yospur and have all your questions answered.